Don’t send your daughters to school
Women don’t need any education except cooking, loyalty to her tribe and modesty.
MGTOW is a declaration of self ownership, when men defend their freedom above all else. It can be explained in one word: “NO”. Throwing out of your head any silly ideas and social constructions about what a real man is supposed to be. Stop chasing anyone to get social approval. Refuse to bow, serve and provide in return for being treated like a disposable tool. Being MGTOW means choosing the most lucrative lifestyle possible, in a world that prefers a man would not. In short, a common sense for men. MGTOW, men going their own way.
Израильский феминист либерал самовыпилился после развода с израильской самкой. от МГТАУ-ИЗРАИЛЬ передают: "он теперь с Амосом" | Двое мужчин потеряли анальную девственность в Фейсбуке после разборок с Израильскими блядинами | в Ашеклоне один мужичёк скинулся с дерева после того как бывшая подала на повышение алиментов
Women don’t need any education except cooking, loyalty to her tribe and modesty.
The world cannot afford to try solve feminism by politics, because women only vote for either violence/betrayal of their own and never know the middle line.
many dads today betray their community by letting their virgin daughter work/study instead of selling her to a nice groom.
Great job guys. Please destroy Soddom and Gomorrah, the real threat to the Jewish people! we salute you
at 14:00, just now a divorced father b’ (alias name) runs in a minefield 20 km south from the Dead Sea. He was arrested by Jordan soldiers. We are in contact with the